The EdTrust–New York releases statement on graduation rates for Class of 2022

Feb 2, 2023 | Press Release, Statements

The following statement can be attributed to Jeff Smink, deputy director of The EdTrust–New York:

“While the increase in graduation rates for the Class of 2022 appears to be good news, we remain concerned about whether it is an accurate reflection of how well students are prepared for the future. Recent changes to state graduation requirements, including lowering the passing score on Regents exams to 50%, make it difficult for parents and employers to know the true value of a New York diploma. Too many New York students are graduating from high school only to find they need to take non-credit bearing remedial coursework in college or are unable to pass required entry-level workforce exams.  As the New York State Education Department continues to convene the Blue Ribbon Commission to review graduation requirements, it is imperative the state prioritize measures that will ensure all students – regardless of race, income, ability, or geography – leave high school with a diploma that signals they are truly ready for college or the workplace. We hope that all future changes maintain the use of objective measures, such as the Regents exams, and illuminate the extent to which New York’s students are prepared for postsecondary success.”