

The New York Campaign for Early Literacy will develop tools for parents and advocates, such as advocacy resources to use with state and local leaders. Additionally, the Campaign will host virtual and in-person events and produce briefs, webinars, and videos to support effective early literacy implementation at the state, district, and community levels. We will be building this page out more in the coming months!

Webinar: New York Campaign for Early Literacy Virtual Advocacy Day 2025 

On February 25, 2025, the New York Campaign for Early Literacy hosted a virtual advocacy day to advocate for new state investments in literacy in the 2026 budget. Parents, district leaders, and advocates came together to discuss the importance of implementing the science of reading in the classroom and the need for new investments in professional learning, curriculum, and teacher preparation.

Brief: Early Literacy in the Earliest Years

A focus on literacy in a child’s earliest years is imperative to ensuring all students have access to early literacy opportunities, as well as achieving New York’s goal to cut childhood poverty in half this decade.

Report: A Call to Action: The State of Early Literacy in New York

Ed Trust–NY’s April 2023 report highlights a disjointed early literacy landscape in New York. The report elevates non-evidence-based practices in teaching of reading, and shares recommendations on how state and local leaders can address New York’s poor reading outcomes by anchoring reading and literacy instruction in the science of reading.

Report: A Call to Action: The State of Early Literacy in Monroe County

Ed Trust–NY’s June 2023 report shows that Monroe County is facing an early literacy crisis, driven by a combination of low expectations for students, unstable leadership, and the use of non-evidence-based instructional materials and practices that are ultimately denying students of their right to read.

Resource: Four Ways Parents and Caregivers Can Support Their Young Reader

When caregivers know how to support their child’s reading, there is enormous potential. Yet too often, parents do not have access to the best tools and resources to support reading development, leaving them feeling unprepared to support their little learner’s needs.

Check out this resource that details four ways that parents and caregivers can support their young reader.

Report: 2022-23 Western New York Reading Report Card

The report uses English Language Arts (ELA) assessment data from the New York State Education Department (NYSED) to:

  • Evaluate and rank school districts
  • Analyze differences in achievement across student groups
  • Provide a snapshot of early literacy in Western New York

Report: The Role of Afterschool, Summer, and Other Expanded Learning Programs in Improving Early Literacy Outcomes in New York State

Afterschool, summer, and other expanded learning programs are an often overlooked resource to help address the literacy crisis. Yet their value is immense. This report explores how high-quality expanded learning opportunities foster early literacy education. The report also highlights several unique afterschool, summer, and other expanded learning programs, as well as youth-focused organizations across New York State that engage with children to improve literacy in creative ways.