The EdTrust–New York is an advocacy and policy organization, passionately advancing major, systemic changes that will...
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Better Localized Data Needed to Support Migrant Students and Families in New York
By Melanie Quiroz Senior Research and Data Analyst A few weeks ago, confusion began to swirl about what might happen...
Parent leaders present plans for how they will advocate for equity in New York State
We are fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with eight spectacular parent leaders during the 2022-2023 Parent...
Transitioning from Ed Trust–NY: a letter from our executive director
Dear partners, advocates, friends, changemakers: As of this week, I will begin transitioning from my position as the...
Federal Pandemic Relief Spending in New York: An Update
Colleagues at The EdTrust recently released a series of resources highlighting strategies to ensure districts center...
5 Things to Know About the Influx of Migrant Students in New YorkÂ
By Melanie Quiroz, Senior Data and Research Analyst, Ed Trust–NY As the new school year welcomed more than 20,000...
Honoring our 2023 Equity Champions at the New York Education Equity Benefit
On September 12, The EdTrust–New York hosted the New York Education Equity Benefit — a gathering of education...
EdTrust–NY statement on NYSED and the Board of Regents’ vision for literacy
The EdTrust–New York finds it promising that the New York State Department of Education (NYSED) and the Board of...
Supreme Court affirmative action ruling is a threat to equity in New YorkÂ
By Dr. Dia Bryant Executive Director, Ed Trust–NY Systemic racism adversely impacted students of color in New York’s...
Grow Your Own initiatives make moves in the NYS Legislature
New York’s educator workforce does not come close to matching the rich diversity of our state’s students. Research is...
Four Ways Parents & Caregivers Can Support Their Young Reader
The following resource is intended for parents and caregivers of young readers. Learn more about Ed Trust–NY's...
Literacy: the key to empowerment
By Dr. Dia Bryant Executive Director, Ed Trust–NY Frederick Douglass was a prominent African American abolitionist,...