NEW YORK — The release of the 2024 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) scores highlights a persistent crisis for New York students. The data shows that New York students remain below pre-pandemic levels in fourth grade reading and eighth grade math, which are critical indicators of future academic success. It also exposes alarming achievement gaps between white and Asian students and their Black and Latinx peers. Most concerning, more than half of Black and Latinx students in New York scored Below Basic both in fourth grade Reading and eighth grade Math.
These results indicate a dire situation for students. Scoring Below Basic—the lowest performance level— shows that students lack even partial mastery of the fundamental knowledge and skills needed for future success.
Except for fourth grade math, New York’s NAEP scores in reading and math have stagnated or declined over the past 25 years. These results make it clear that current approaches, especially in middle grades, are failing students. We cannot continue with the same strategies and expect different outcomes.
Notable NAEP Reading and Math Results:
- 41% of 4th grade students scored Below Basic in reading, with 55% of Black students and 51% of Latinx students scoring Below Basic.
- Over a third of 8th grade students scored Below Basic in reading, with 42% of Black 8th graders and 47% of Latinx 8th graders scoring Below Basic.
- 28% of 4th grade students scored Below Basic in math, with 44% of Black students and 39% of Latinx students scoring Below Basic.
- 42% of 8th grade students scored Below Basic in math, with 56% of Black students and 59% of Latinx students scoring Below Basic.
EdTrust-New York calls on state and district leaders to take immediate action to address these disparities by prioritizing evidence-based strategies and providing targeted support for students with the greatest needs. We urge them to:
- Invest in Literacy: Implement comprehensive literacy programs, including for older students, aligned with the science of reading.
- Revise the Foundation Aid Formula: Conduct a thorough, equity-focused review to ensure funding reaches districts and students with the greatest needs.
- Support High-Impact Tutoring: Expand tutoring programs in reading and math to address unfinished learning.
- Expand College in High School Programs: Increase access to College in High School opportunities to improve college persistence and degree attainment among underrepresented groups.
While these results are unacceptable, EdTrust-New York knows that with the right advocacy, all students can succeed. Research shows that high-quality, culturally relevant instruction—focused on equity and data—is key to improving outcomes. States like Louisiana and Mississippi have already demonstrated the power of this approach, and we are committed to working with state and district leaders to ensure all schools, educators, students, and families receive the support they deserve.
About EdTrust-New York:
EdTrust-New York is dedicated to eliminating equity and opportunity gaps that hinder students from reaching their full potential. We focus on ensuring that all students, especially Black, Latinx, Native American students and those from low-income backgrounds achieve high levels of success from early childhood through college. For more information, visit