Meet Liz Warden

Liz Warden

Senior Manager, Digital Communications

Liz works to amplify and promote the organization’s policy and advocacy agenda by leading and executing social media efforts, in addition to producing digital content and products.

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A little about Liz Warden

Senior Manager, Digital Communications

As the senior digital communications manager for EdTrust-New York, Liz works to amplify and promote the organization’s policy and advocacy agenda by leading and executing social media efforts, in addition to producing digital content and products.

Prior to joining EdTrust-New York, Liz worked at Educators for Excellence, a teacher-led advocacy organization. At E4E, she oversaw digital production needs across teams and supported E4E’s national digital communications strategy. Liz has also served as a Peace Corps volunteer in South Africa, an AmeriCorps member with City Year, and worked on the communications team at Change for Kids, a NYC-based education nonprofit.

A native of California, Liz graduated from the University of Southern California with a bachelor’s degree in print and digital journalism and holds a master’s degree in public administration from New York University.

Proudest Moment

My proudest moment is opening our first-ever school library alongside my colleagues and students at Masotsheni Primary as a Peace Corps volunteer in South Africa.

What drew you to education?

As a student journalist in Los Angeles, I had the opportunity to report on inequities in public education. My experience motivated me to put my reporter’s notebook on the shelf for good and join City Year as a tutor and mentor in a sixth-grade classroom. Despite working alongside some amazing teachers, I witnessed firsthand how our nation’s education system was not equitably serving all students and how schools in low-income communities did not have essential resources. Since then, I have dedicated my career to working toward a more equitable education system.

Why are you passionate about working at EdTrust-New York?

I’ve worked with some incredible students throughout New York City in many different capacities. They — and thousands of other students across New York State — deserve access to an equitable and high-quality education that can help them reach and fulfill their potential. EdTrust-New York’s data-centered approach identifies equity gaps in policy, which brings our state a step forward to address many of the systemic issues that face our education system.

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