In response to the United States Senate’s vote to overturn the federal government’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) accountability regulations, The EdTrust–New York issued the following statement from Executive Director Ian Rosenblum:
“While it is shameful that this maneuver will cause unnecessary confusion, it does not change the fact that the law is the law and states are required to enact accountability systems that shine a light on where schools are succeeding and where they are not—including for low-income students, students of color, English learners and students with disabilities—and take steps to address performance challenges wherever they exist for any group of students. This places even more responsibility on the Board of Regents and State Education Department to ensure that New York’s accountability plan takes advantage of the opportunities and levers in ESSA to advance equity for all students, create a sense of urgency for improvement and build demand for the strategies that we know lead to long-term success for students.”