relentless advocates of educational justice for students across New York State — particularly those of color or living in poverty




Equity Alert: The Growing Proficiency Crisis Among New York Students


Early Childhood


Higher Education

How We Work

We seek to promote equity-focused education policies and implement systemic change by:

Working alongside a diverse group of partners, including families, civil rights groups, organizations representing children with disabilities, faith and business leaders, education reform organizations, and others to create lasting change.

Delivering hard-hitting data analyses that shed light on the urgent challenges facing our public schools.

Presenting opportunities and solutions for state policymakers to advance equity and educational justice.

Driving public demand for policies and programs that raise academic achievement and close opportunity gaps.

The Latest From Ed Trust-NY

Preliminary Budget Hearing Testimony: Child Care in NYC

Preliminary Budget Hearing Testimony: Child Care in NYC

New York City cannot create an equitable, comprehensive system of care without including explicit strategies that center the unique needs of infants, toddlers, and support the most marginalized of families.  We offer the following recommendations to ensure that a high-quality early childhood care and education system is accessible and affordable for all families.